What Makes Lynch Financial Advisors Unique?
First, we do not take commissions or sell products. Doing this causes conflicts of interest and makes most people uncertain of the advice they are getting (e.g. “Is this what I need or is he selling to me?”). We hold a fiduciary standard and are legally bound to put your interests first.
Second, Lynch Financial Advisors is a member of both the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) and Alliance of Cambridge Advisors and we practice Fee-OnlyFinancial Planning. Look for the Fee-Only logo. Only NAPFA registered advisors are Fee-Only. This means there are no commissions, no back door payments, no golf clubs, etc. Advisors who receive commissions have a conflict of interest when working with clients… It’s difficult to tell if their recommendations are in the best interest of the clients or their pocket books.
National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors is the nation’s leading organization of Fee-Only comprehensive financial planning professionals. At NAPFA, it is all based on a simple, straightforward mission. Professionals who become a NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisor are committed to the following Core Values of the organization:
- Competency: Requiring the highest standards of proficiency in the industry
- Comprehensiveness: Practicing a holistic approach to financial planning
- Compensation: Using a Fee-Only model that facilitates objective advice first
- Complete Disclosure: Providing an explanation of fees and potential conflicts of interest
A NAPFA member puts more hours into continuing education than those who belong to both the FPA and the CFP. NAPFA members have advised past presidents of the United States, executives of publicly traded companies and other high ranking members of society. They have also been a loud proponent of the average Joe, and have put their non-profit dollars behind lobbyists in Washington who push for consumer protections from unscrupulous financial advisors. The association has been a loud voice in pushing legislation that requires full disclosure on how advisors get paid, so that the consumer has the right information to make a decision with whom they work.
The Alliance of Cambridge Advisors
ACA is the only community of Fee-Only financial planners focused on holistic planning. While other associations see themselves as a tool for consumers to use when they need information, ACA planners see themselves as experts in the financial planning community. Many advisors have been credited with articles in national publications and newspapers, as well as having been guest speakers and hosts of television and radio shows throughout the country.
Financial planners join ACA for the systems, training, and community support that help them build their ideal practice. It is this collegial environment that allows ACA to boast more MBAs, Doctorates, and CPAs per member than any other financial planning association.
Clients of an ACA member can be guaranteed an advisor who is not only highly ethical, but also highly knowledgeable about all of the aspects of financial planning including taxes, insurance and goal setting to name a few.
The benefits of being an ACA advisor don’t stop at ethics and comprehensive training. They extend to the collegiate environment. While many planners have only the support of their firm, ACA advisors have the support of more than 140 advisors throughout the country; advisors with a deep knowledge in a wide range of fields and disciplines.
Holistic financial planning is an integrated approach to the financial planning process.
In addition, holistic financial planning recognizes that money is an emotional issue. We were all raised with “money messages” that shape how we deal with financial matters. Often we need to recognize those messages before we can make necessary behavioral changes to ensure our financial independence.
Other principles of holistic financial planning:
- Financial planning is not an event, nor is it something done “to you” or “for you”–it is a continuous life-long process that requires your active involvement.
- You are far more in control of your financial future than you have been led to believe.
- Your values, your beliefs, and your attitudes about money are of primary importance in the financial planning process.
- You need financial strategies developed for “real people,” not for pension funds and institutional investors.
- True financial independence lies in knowing how much is enough.
- Advisors who practice holistic financial planning must be compensated in a manner that avoids conflicts of interest.

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